Preserve Your Positive Online Presence: Handling Customer Complaints

As your online presence grows, it will invite more visitor interaction to your social media accounts. These visitors consist of both current clients and prospective customers. You’ll also receive site visitors who are gathering information, such as readers of your medical blog who are particularly interested in an area that you specialize in.

There is a unique etiquette when it comes to interacting with your customers, followers, fans and readers over social media. The rules change depending on which social media site you’re using, whether it’s Facebook, Google+ or Twitter.

For example, on your business’ Facebook page, it’s best to filter and pick out which messages from fans and followers should be allowed to show up on your wall. That way, you can sift out and delete spam massages or exceptionally negative, angry comments. You can also emphasize positive posts from clients by turning them into stand-alone, notable, full-size posts on your wall. Learn how to highlight other users’ Facebook posts.

On Twitter, you can simply retweet positive tweets about your practice. Star positive comments to show other users that you appreciate their taking the time to write something nice about your business, or reply with a genuine thank you. Do regular searches for your company’s name to see what others are saying about you, just in case they don’t tweet directly at you by including your twitter handle.

If you come across a negative tweet about you, it’s important to assess the situation. Since you can’t control who tweets @ you on Twitter, you can simply block verbally abusive accounts so that you don’t have to see them, and they can no longer follow you. If an account continues to harass you, you should report the abusive user to the Twitter help center.

However, if the negative tweet is a legitimate customer tweeting at you regarding an issue or complaint, promptly reply that you will be happy to speak with them about resolving the matter through direct message, email or over the phone. Thank them for their feedback and – most importantly – move the conversation to a private forum.

With customer complaints, it’s always best to reply with a message acknowledging their concerns and offering to resolve the issue over the phone or via direct message, so that the details of the exchange remain private. That way, you can productively address customer concerns while avoiding messy back-and-forth exchanges over social media that anyone can see.


MyAdvice Can Handle It for You

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