Veterinary Marketing Company & SEO for Veterinarian Practices

Whether you’ve just opened your veterinary practice or you’ve been in practice for 20 years but want to bring in more patients, an effective marketing plan is essential.

example image of a veterinary website with positive reviews and overlaid graphs

The Ultimate Guide to Veterinary Marketing

Are you maximizing the impact of your efforts?

The MyAdvice platform offers comprehensive digital marketing solutions for veterinary practices, including:

  • Website Design and Development
  • Local Power (Local SEO & Directory Listings)
  • Review Power (Reputation Management)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Power (Social Media)
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing

We can help you expand your online exposure, drive traffic to your website, and generate more leads and patients. The goal is simple — drive more patients to your veterinary practice.

It takes years of experience to know what marketing channel is right for your practice, or how to measure the ROI of a successful marketing campaign.  Your digital marketing extends through active social media pages, informative blogs, email campaigns, multimedia content, and accurate directory listings across the web.

Veterinary Marketing Essentials

1 | Get online.

Let’s start with the essentials - establishing an online presence with a great looking, user-friendly website. Your practice needs to stand out from the other veterinary practices in your area. MyAdvice creates attractive and compelling websites for our vet practices.



of people make judgements about a company's credibility based on its web design.

Source: Forbes

Your website is the first point of contact for many people. Make a lasting first impression with a great website design that informs, engages, and converts potential clients.

Website Design and Development For Veterinarians

We offer Signature Websites on dynamic themes that can easily be personalized, in addition to appointment confirmation websites with the copy coming from our extensive content library. These Catalyst Websites are complimentary and quick to build and launch. They are a good fit for practices looking for a professional website on a tight budget. Catalyst Websites can be further personalized as time progresses, and the need arises. We can accommodate all budgets.

Web Power (Website Management)

MyAdvice will always ensure your website is up-to-date, secure, and fully functional. We address problems as they arise and seek the fastest solutions to make sure temporary hiccups don’t cause severe headaches.

Veterinary Marketing Essentials

2 | Get found.

Our platform helps you improve your online visibility and easily get found by appearing in relevant searches for your practice’s key procedures.

Every search engine has one goal: provide users with the most relevant result as quickly as possible. Google looks at signals to determine if your website is relevant, trustworthy, and deserving of being ranked higher in search results. Here are some of the most important factors that contribute to the success of your veterinary practice online.

Local Power

Our Local Power tool ensures all of your practice’s online business directory listings are accurate and up to date. This establishes trust, prevents client confusion and frustration, and improves search rankings.

Local Power builds a robust presence for your practice on Google through the use of Google Business Profile. This helps ensure you are seen by the clients who need you the most.

Blog Posting

Consistent blog posting on local news, state laws, new procedures, and other relevant veterinary topics provide additional resources and value to your website. Frequent posts educate potential patients, assist with search engine visibility, and help establish your practice as an authoritative and reliable source of information.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) For Veterinarians

Patients can only contact you if they can find you. Improve your search result ranking for key practice-area pages to drive more people to your site.

Veterinary Marketing Essentials

3 | Manage your reputation.



of people’s purchasing decisions are impacted by reviews.

Source: Podium


of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Source: Forbes

Reviews are one of the most significant determining factors in choosing a veterinarian. Set yourself apart from the competition by building and maintaining a solid online reputation.

Review Power

Establish your practice as a leader in veterinary through a comprehensive platform that allows you to request and respond to reviews via email and text message.

image of 5-star veterinary practice review printed out on paper

Veterinary Marketing Essentials

4 | Expand your reach.



of the population utilize social media platforms.

Source: Pew Research

Go beyond organic search results to create a more compelling and complete digital presence for your vet practice.

Social Power

Our Social Power tool creates posts and publishes them to your Facebook and Instagram accounts. These posts will highlight your practice areas, veterinary topics, and other relevant information.


The fastest way to jump to the top of Google search results is to utilize paid search advertising. When patients search for services related to your vet practice that you provide, MyAdvice counts on Pay-Per-Click ads to identify more potential clients and direct them to your website.

Let's talk GROWth.

Schedule a 30-minute GROW consultation and we’ll work with you to create the roadmap – and show you how we can help you get there.

Before you go...

Do you know how your current site is performing? Find out now for free -- it only takes a minute!


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