Is Twitter Serving up Your Target Market?

Social media is quickly becoming the go-to for all types of brands and businesses—including doctors, dentists and whole practices. A recent article written by Belle Beth Cooper for Buffer points out a number of statistics that doctors using social media might find useful.

Surprisingly, the fastest growing demographic using Twitter is the 55-64 year old age group, and the fastest growing age demographic using Facebook and Google + are the 45-54 year old age bracket. This demographic is the target audience for a number of physicians and practices.

With Twitter as the top network focused on that demographic here are some useful tidbits of information to keep in mind when tweeting to your followers.

  • Keep it Short and Interesting: Tweets with images attached get more engagement than those without. Interestingly, tweets that are less than 100 characters also have a higher engagement rate than those over 100 characters. This statistic proved true for Facebook as well.
  • Hash it Out: Tweets with hashtags garner a higher percentage of engagement. Sending a Tweet out about #IBS could connect you and your practice to a niche group interested in that particular subject.
  • Think Links: Twitter users are 86% more likely to retweet a post that contains a link in it. A retweet from a current user will certainly help to further your reach. Adding a link to your practice’s site or third party information will position you as an authority as well as help to increase your engagement.

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Are you too busy to manage your practice’s online presence? Do all of these social media rules seem intimidating? Let MyAdvice help! Our dedicated social media department can prepare and execute an organized and effective social media campaign for Facebook and Google+ to get potential patients interested in your services! Contact an MyAdvice Representative to learn more.

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