How to Raise Your Klout Score

Your business’ online presence goes a long way toward building its reputation and influencing how your customers view your practice. The more involved you are in updating and interacting on your social media accounts, the higher your Klout score.

Klout ranks your social media standing on a scale of 1 to 100, with your number representing how influential your accounts are online. Most people have a Klout score of about 40, and every additional point reflects highly on your online presence. For example, those with a score of 63 are in the top 5 percent of all users.

Klout uses social media analytics to determine your score, observing the activity on your Twitter, Facebook and Google+ accounts. It reviews your LinkedIn and Instagram accounts as well, and keeps track of where you are mentioned on other high-ranking sites.

One way to increase your Klout score is to build a network of contacts that are influential in your field and related to your business. For example, a dental practice should add healthcare and medical professionals to their Google+ circles, and share their posts on their own account’s Google+ wall. These influential accounts will be more likely to share your posts and content in return.

Interacting with your followers, fans and other users can increase your Klout score as well. Create conversation by posting questions, opening up discussions and encouraging comments. For example, if you are a general practitioner, you can post a photo with a positive saying that has to do with nutrition and ask fans to “like” or “share” your post if they agree with its message.

Making original, informative and engaging content is another way to substantially boost your Klout score. Writing articles and blog posts that are relevant to current topics and discussions in your field will attract more views and interaction from other accounts that share your material, along with comments and reposts.

Creating content based on your healthcare profession, whether it’s making a video or even just tweeting a link, will increase your online presence and contribute to raising your Klout score.

MyAdvice Can Handle It for You

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