Spreading the News

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.”
~ Kofi Annan

usrecallnewsIt can be daunting if you’re not familiar with your rights and you need legal information. On Google alone, there are 1,730,000,000 results to choose from when you look for “legal news”.

That’s why Altrumedia, a new member of the MyAdvice, thinks it’s important to create high quality information and news resources online, such as USRecallNews.com.

USRecallNews.com, one of Altrumedia’s many online properties, is a highly respected recall information hub for United States’ drug, food, product, and vehicle recalls. It is a one-stop source for government officials, attorneys, news reporters, store owners, and consumers who need up-to-date recall information. Additionally the site provides easy-to-use communication tools, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ commenting, to get everyone involved in the conversation.

Legal News & Information

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Altrumedia owns and operates several resources both on and offline to help prevent accidents, promote do-good’ers, give back to the community, and more. We’re committed to providing real value to the world, while finding new altruistic ways to help people in search of legal news and information.

Call 435.575.7470  or contact us online to learn more.

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