Best Practices for Facebook Promoted Posts

Facebook’s promoted posts option gives your practice’s page admins a simple way to reach more users. Promoted posts, available to accounts with at least 400 likes, are more likely to be seen by those who like your page, as well as their Facebook friends.

You can promote a status, photo, video, offer or question posted within the past few days by clicking “Promote” on the bottom right of the post. Then, simply set a budget, chose a payment method, decide whether your post should be targeted to certain users and watch your post go viral!

Wondering which types of posts you should promote? We’ve got you covered!

Types of Posts to Promote

  • Photos and Videos. Similar to Facebook advertising and Facebook posts in general, chose an eye-catching image for your promoted post, as Facebook users are drawn to images on their often-cluttered newsfeeds. Just be sure your image or video is relevant to your practice; and don’t use your Facebook profile picture, this will already appear next to the promoted post!
  • Special Offers. Consider promoting a special offer. Increasing the amount of users exposed to your offer can only increase the number of offers claimed. The more offers claimed, the more your business will benefit! Read our previous blog post for tips on creating a special offer.
  • Exclusive Events. Hosting an event? Promote your event for more exposure. The more you invite, the more will come—and the more, the merrier, right?
  • New Product or Service Announcements. Promote posts about new products and services offered at your practice to expand the reach of your announcement.
  • Questions. Facebook posts that involve the audience tend to get more feedback. Ask a question and let users know that you value either opinion.

After you’ve promoted your post, you can track its success by viewing the number of people reached, along with the percentage of people who clicked on the post and its content, below your promoted post.

MyAdvice Can Handle It for You

Too busy to manage your practice’s social media accounts? Let MyAdvice help! We can plan an organized and effective social media strategy to get potential clients interested in your services! Contact an MyAdvice Representative to learn more.

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